CuraPro® Effervescent (350 mg)




Dietary Supplement ***** QUANTITY 12 *****

CuraPro® Effervescent Liquid Curcumin
Effervescent tablets are perfect for those who have difficulty swallowing capsules. CuraPro Effervescent provides:

Convenient, on-the-go effervescent tablets.
An alternative option – easily dissolves – perfect for children and adults who have difficulty swallowing.
135 mg of curcuminoids per tablet.
Mild tangerine flavor – tastes great!
Cell-protecting BCM-95® Curcumin – results verified in 27 published studies.*
Directions: Drop one tablet into 8 oz. of water or your favorite beverage and allow tablet to dissolve. Works in warm or cold beverages. Customize taste by adjusting amount of water. May adjust dosage as desired by adding more than one tablet.